Tuesday, July 23, 2013

One Great Night ( 4 your eyes only) (NSFW)

 Have you ever had a chick (or man) cheat on you or do some really shady shit? Of course you have that was a rhetorical question dumbass. Well for years my wife has been messaging guys ,mostly ex boyfriends 1600 miles away and the occasional Craigslist slut or perv. Time and again I only find messages and videos of her and she always manages to erase them before I can get them.

 Every time this happens I have immediate thoughts of hunting these people down , chopping off their dicks and making them eat it . Well after spending most of the 2000's locked up I always calm down and get a hold of my impulses , well not entirely. I've been known to break shit, like lots of shit. I once threw a bathroom sink through the bedroom door missing her head by mere inches. I've done the Hulk smash on our vacuum and that's just the start of it. I figure it's better to break some shit in the house than to smash her fucking skull like I want to.

  I'm sure many of you are wondering why I haven't just left ,right.  Well its not that simple. Set aside the fact that I came from a broken home where my father murdered my mom and I lived in an orphanage from 6 to 14 and 11 foster homes in the next 2 years. The real problem is that we have 2 kids . Sure lots of people raise kids in split families but we're also from 2 different states separated by by about 10-12 hours and currently live 1600 miles away from either of them.

  So time after time I end up forgiving her,but not forgetting, after all I've never had concrete proof she physically cheated,just shared pics/videos and maybe talked.

  Well this week I finally got my hands on one of the videos that was shared to her but I have no idea if the guy or the girl sent it. Shes bi so the possibilities are either. I figured since I cant beat the shit out of anyone I would instead share the video and get it passed as much as I can on the Internet. It seems like the perfect thing considering the video was labeled  "One Great Night for your eyes only" .

  I'm still trying to pinpoint which email it was sent from and when I do I'll post the link so maybe some of you will spam the hell out it lol. You can download it, share it, or whatever you want. It'll be uploaded to TPB and if anyone wants to mirror it feel free to post your link in the comments. I just want this thing to cover the internet and get back to whoever it is.

                                                              THE VIDEO
This was taken with a cell phone as you can tell by the orientation,dumb ass cant even use a phone right. The chick is fairly hot and if shes down for it I'd really like to grudge fuck her ass to get even with the wifey. She has a tiny pussy and can't be very experienced but this dude shes with is a fat ,ugly limp dick motherfucker. He gets mad because he cant keep his little pecker up. Slaps her around (she doesn't seem to mind) and at one point sticks his nasty ass toes in her pussy. Pussy jam wtf! Anyway its mostly her sucking his cock and getting herself off . Major wtf moment when it shows the floor and she picks something up off of the bed and ask what it is and he's like "awe, it's just a Meth pipe." REEAAALLLYYYYY WTF


One Great Night For Your Eyes Only from Another Sexy Blog on Vimeo.

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